New-York west 33-rd

Acrylique sur Toile (50x61x2 cm)

Une des rues de la grande ville, le soir tombe sur la ville
Ville de démesure architecturale de bruit et de couleurs, de panneaux lumineux qui éclatent les pupilles dans la nuit.
Cependant avec ce soleil qui se couche et ces lumières douces, j’ai voulu mettre de la douceur et de la poésie dans une ville qui ne se couche jamais.

Painting: Acrylic, Ink, Gesso on Canvas.

Painting from photographs without being on the spot has giving me the opportunity to re-create the city, not being focused on the reality. It has given me the power to shape the city as I wanted it to be; according to my wish. To go beyond reality and to work freely on the topic.

New-York, New-York…
The city of all hopes , the geant city full of life, noise, with the biggest skyscrapers in the world.
The multi-coloured city.
New-York is a dream for the new comers, a dream for those who want to discover the entrance to the USA. For tourists, it’s the streets the architecture and the buildings they have seen in movies and TV series…

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